John 21:1-14

When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” - John 21:9-10

When I was about 10 years old my father, two brothers, and I took a fishing trip into Canada. We drove up to Crane Lake and then rode in a pontoon plane to a secluded lake with our guide. We set up camp and then went out onto the lake. No sooner had I put my line in the water than I caught a fish, a walleye. I put in my line again and I caught another, and then another… My father and brothers hadn’t caught a thing, when I told them, “Well, I caught my limit. Let’s go to shore!” My brothers were livid and were ready to throw me in the lake. I believe that they would have if my father hadn’t been present.

Whenever I come across a story in the Bible, especially those involving Jesus, which have to do with a big catch of fish like this one, I recall this account about my catch of walleye in Canada. Instead of being boastful or proud about the big catch of fish, the disciples, especially Peter, who was caught naked in the boat, were humbled. The big catch of fish was a sign to the disciples of God’s power at work through Jesus.

Jesus, who is risen from the dead appears to the disciples as one who comes to them as the Lord of abundance in the big catch of fish. Jesus also appears to them as one who communes with the disciples in a meal, a shore lunch. Whenever we come to the table of our Lord, he is present with us in the breaking of the bread. He feeds the community of believers, forgiven and fed, the crucified and risen Savior, with his very presence, creating community.

Let us pray: O Lord, we give you thanks for the blessings of bread that is broken, so that, forgiven and fed, we may move out into the world of our daily lives to serve you. Amen.


Psalm 23


Mark 1:1-15